How can we make it easier for you to do business?
Order Management Software for Job Shops
JobBOSS² enables job shops and make-to-order manufacturers get more orders out the door and to customers on time.

JobBOSS² Order Generation
Automate repetitive and needless labour-intensive work in your business by using software that converts your estimates or quotes into orders with point-and-click ease. Then, use the software to distribute the job order information to the rest of your shop. Within minutes, your team can have everything they need to start the job.
"If you have a repeat order, everything's built into the system, so you're just printing out a router, you're billing materials, you have everything built into the system to make it efficient. You just go through the steps quickly." - Steve Dalton - X-Mil.
Make your order and shipping process more efficient with JobBOSS²
Manage job changes efficiently
Make changes to any job, including quantities and due dates, even when it’s already in progress.
Create and Manage Orders with Flexibility
Create the order from an estimate, a new part, or free form. With point-and-click convenience, you can attach documents to parts or jobs.
Track early or late shipments
Gain control of delivery schedules and review shipment history in a timely manner.
Generate shipping documents quickly
Generate packing lists, shipping labels, and bills of lading at your convenience.