How can we make it easier for you to do business?
Daily Dashboard
The RockSolid MAX Daily Dashboard powered by Cognytics provides critical business insight through easy-to-understand dashboards. Get instant access to sales information, margin, top items, A/R, and overdue invoices.

Automatic board foot conversion
If your store sells lumber, you know how important it is for your software to offer Board Foot Conversion. With RockSolid MAX, it is done automatically, ensuring you have the proper sales price and cost of goods calculations.
Business insights made easy
Seamlessly order, track, and invoice special items
Special orders are efficiently processed in RockSolid MAX, with items pulled in from a vendor catalog or created via a system-generated temporary SKU number.
Easily convert quotes to orders
With RockSolid MAX, you can create quotes for customers that are easily converted to orders including partial release on orders. You can even order a subset of items from a quote and keep the original one open.
Easily manage multiple units of measure
Every business has items that are sold in multiple units of measure (UOM), which can be a headache. RockSolid MAX automatically adjusts pricing and margins for items sold with different units of measure.
Retain customers and attract new business
Smaller, independent organizations have a fraction of the marketing budget of their big-box competitors, so customer satisfaction and loyalty have an even greater impact.