Take your evenings off, while still taking orders

Did you know 55% of transactions take place outside of business hours?
How can your customers keep buying once you lock up at night? By combining Spruce and Spruce eCommerce, you can capture more after-hours revenue without sacrificing time at the family dinner table.
Grow with ecommerce
E-commerce is designed to relieve your workload, not add to it. The right solution assists with time-consuming invoicing, pricing, and inventory tasks.
Match your customer's buying habits
84% of LBM businesses predict they’ll sell 100% online. It can be scary to try something new, and younger buyers choosing your competition is even more frightening.
Ecommerce made easy
Spruce eCommerce has a pre-built taxonomy and product catalogs from the most popular industry suppliers. So, there's no need to figure out how to get your in-store products online.
From inventory management to online sales, Spruce and Spruce eCommerce has you covered.
The Spruce and Spruce eCommerce bundle is your complete business management solution to meet customer expectations while making your employee's workday easier. Allow customers to browse and shop products online while you deliver the same high-quality service they expect in-store.
“The platform’s system has been pretty easy to use and comes equipped with several features to shorten the go-live timeframe.”
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Ready to see how Spruce eCommerce and Spruce can create new ways of doing business and engaging with customers? Complete the form to request a free consultation to see it in action.